
The Iowa state legislature is currently considering a bill (SF 2356) that would create a community solar program in the state. This legislation has broad support across industry groups including, Iowa Farm Bureau, Iowa AFP (Americans for Prosperity) and clean energy advocates due to the new economic opportunities a community solar program offers Iowans. 

Specifically, community solar - generally defined as small-scale solar projects 5 megawatts (MW) and below only require around 20-40 acres of land, are easier to screen to protect local viewsheds than large projects and allow participating subscribers to save money on their monthly electric bills. Community solar presents a new opportunity to diversify Iowa's energy portfolio, lower energy bills for Iowans, and provide a new revenue stream for farmers and other landowners across the state. 

In anticipation of community solar demand in Iowa, Apex Distributed Energy is leasing suitable parcels in Iowa and commencing development activities on eligible land across the state.



Apex Clean Energy is seeking landowners interested in leasing their land for community solar projects and for larger transmission-connected solar projects.


Are you a landowner in Iowa?

You may be able to sign up for solar energy on your land.

  1. Let us know you're interested here.
  2. If your parcel is 40 acres or more, we'll investigate your property to ensure it is a suitable site for distributed solar. If your parcel is less than 40 acres, it might be too small to be eligible, but we're happy to hold onto your information in case there are new opportunities in the future.
  3. If your land is eligible, we will prepare a lease agreement for you to review.
  4. Once you've signed, we do the rest—from developing the site, to getting permits, to building the project, to selling the power that's produced.

The best part? You get paid the whole time.

Contact Apex to learn more.

Phone: (434) 568-9753

Email: [email protected]

Address: 120 Garrett Street  |  Suite 700  |  Charlottesville, VA 22902